From local fynbos to forest trees and Namaqualand succulents!

  • We grow beautiful, hardy plants and trees specifically designed by nature to flourish in local climate conditions which we supply wholesale or grow to order.
  • We can assist with plant rehabilitation, plant identification and guide you on using fynbos and indigenous plants in gardens.
  • We specialise in landscaping and garden design using only indigenous plants and trees, creating beautiful landscapes that are environmentally friendly too. Visit Good Hope Gardens Landscaping for more.
  • We run courses for adults and children to learn about fynbos and edible and medicinal plants. Spend an enjoyable day foraging near Cape Point and then learn how to prepare and eat what you find.
  • Visit our blog for up to date news & information. 



 Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any queries. 

 We are taking all precautions necessary against COVID19 and hope to see you in our nursery soon!


SPECIFIC NAME Bag size Quantity
Acacia burkei 10kg 5
Apodytes dimidiata 20kg 5
Aristida fynbos grass 15cm 40
Athanasia crithmifolia 15cm 70
Capeochloa arundinacea 17cm 50
Clutia alaternoides 17cm 50
Coleonema album 12cm 80
Coleonema aspalathoides 17cm 60
Crassula woodii 15cm 10
Curio ficioides 17cm 30
Curtisia dentata 20kg 6
Dais cotinifolia 10kg 25
Elegia capensis 9,5L pot 10
Elegia tectorum 'Fish Hoek' 15cm 50
Falkia repens 12cm 20
Halleria lucida 20kg 6
Helichrysum argyrophyllum 12cm 30
Helichrysum patulum 12cm 40
Helichrysum retortum 12cm 40
Jasminum multipartitum 17cm 20
Leucadendron laureolum 15cm 50
Limonium capensis 12cm 10
Metalasia densa 15cm 20
Nuxia floribunda 20kg 5
Oscularia deltoides 15cm 30
Otholobium bracteolatum 15cm 80
Otholobium virgatum 12cm 25
Pelargonium citronellum 15cm 20
Pelargonium cucullatum 15cm 50
Podalyria sericea 15cm 30
Podocarpus falcatus 10kg 20
Polygala myrtifolia var pinifolia 15cm 30
Psychotria capensis 23cm pot 30
Rapanea melanophloes 10kg 10
Rapanea melanophloes 20kg 10
Rhodocoma capensis 17cm 20
Ruschia bina 12cm 30
Ruschia macowanii 12cm 50
Salvia chamelaeagnea 15cm 20
Schoenoxiphium ecklonii per plug 200
Searsia lucida 17cm 30
Selago polystachya 12cm 50
Seriphium plumosum 15cm 20
Syncarpha argentea 12cm 20
Tribolium uniolae 15cm 30


“…These qualified physiologists had the courage to grow only indigenous plants when they weren’t terribly popular……they are a mine of valuable information when it comes to choosing the correct species and plant suitability.”
– Franchesca Watson, House and Garden.

“…What delighted me was the sensory element: new shapes, textures and fragrances”
Rupert Jefferies, Cape Chat.

“…If you are looking for indigenous plants for the garden and sound advice on what will grow where, then this is the place to visit.”
Marianne Alexander, Country Life.